5e empire of the petal throne
5e empire of the petal throne

5e empire of the petal throne

They don't mind though, because they're roleplaying their hearts out all the damn time.

5e empire of the petal throne

Very few fights and when they do occur they're usually laughably easy for the party. I'm running a D&D 5e table that's pretty much all roleplaying. They say stuff like D&D 5e being rules light, like it being cheap to get into, like it being able to handle any type of game. People who only play 5e regularly tell you that you need detailed rules for combat though, and and it is fully the fault of them not having played other games. You can have plenty of fine opinions about dubstep, but if you told me that I need to have a bass drop or else my music isn't music I'd rightfully scorn you. If the only music you've ever heard is dubstep then your opinion on music as a whole is ignorant and pretty unimportant. If you've only played D&D 5e then your opinion about ttrpgs as a whole doesn't really need to be listened to. Their analogy is very clear in this context. I wouldn't call it a plague, since the analogy fails, but it's certainly a wide-spread matter of things that I would agree with is negative in many ways. The critique is valid though people who've only played 5e have more ignorant opinions about the hobby than those who've also tried other systems. Not the same dude, but it's pretty clear that you're defensive in this because you dislike seeing D&D criticized like this. I'm not sure how your last point relates to my comment at all, nor am I sure why you said it. I'm otherwise considering starting a new campaign.Įdit I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and responses - a lot of it has been very thoughtful and I appreciate it. I have never soft rebooted a campaign, but it would allow the players to keep most of their character. continue with current campaign but soft reboot it in DW?.continue with current DnD campaign until the end of the campaign?.Do you have any advice or reflections on the following options? Herein lies the dilemma, because I absolutely agree with her that switching mid-campaign is awful, or at least suboptimal. Even if the one that adored critical role was honest that she wasn't thrilled to change mid-campaign, but recognized that it's important that I have fun too. I have talked to my players that I would like to switch system - and they have been supportive. The obvious answer is "don't worry so much about balance" - but excessive character death is usually not conductive to RP investment. My group is also mostly RP interested - so one (maybe two) encounters per day is standard, further skewing balance. To some extent this is my inexperience, but the CR system seems notoriously fickle in creating balanced combat. Right now my prep and notes is 6-70% notes combat prep, and I'm unhappy. I'm not sure I can pinpoint it, but last campaign my prep and notes was 7-80% RP with dialogue and npcs they might want to meet or that might surprise them with a visit. The system did seem like it provided more player options, and I know one of my players adore critical role. The second campaign we started now after summer, we decided to try DnD.

5e empire of the petal throne

The campaign did a great job incorporating player backstories, I built the npc gallery to support their character concepts - and we had the Evil but oh so supportive mentor, the stressed council woman mother, and the dishonored Royal guard pursuing our thief for a slight in their backstory. I was a very happy DM last year when I ran Dungeon World for a group of first time players. Hello Reddit, I could use some advice or perhaps a sounding board.

5e empire of the petal throne